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United Women In Faith

The Miriam Circle of United Women in Faith meets on the second Tuesday of each month either at a Restaurant, at someone's home, or in the Fellowship Hall. Miriam Circle supports many ministries including the Academic Excellence Scholarship Program and the Johnson County Child Advocacy Center.

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Worship on Wednesdays

Worship on Wednesdays (WOW) is our Children's ministry that meets on Wednesday evenings  at 5:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall during the school year. The children gather for a light supper, have a fun activity and a bible lesson. Children aged 4 years old - 6th grade are welcome. WOW will resume after school starts in the fall. 

Breadbasket Food Pantry

Every Tuesday afternoon from 1:00 - 3:00 we have a food pantry for people in need. The Breadbasket is in the Parish House which is right behind the church on the corner of Persons and Chambers Streets. Thanks to HEB for their support.

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Small Groups

Agape Groups are small groups where we discuss our relationship with God. These are not Bible studies which are designed to inform, these are spirituality groups which are designed to transform. We currently have two groups. One meets Mondays at noon at the Sunrise Cafe on Williams Street. The other group is a ladies group that meets at the home of one of its members. 

Music Ministry

The Chancel Choir leads each week in worship, singing anthems and calls to worship. The choir also presents a Christmas Cantata each year in December.Everyone is welcome to join the choir. We rehearse each Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. 


Academic Excellence

For over forty years,  the Miriam Circle of the United Mehthodist Women have recognized students at Cleburne High School who have achieved excellence in their studies. Students receive an afghan the first time they are recognized and if they maintain excellence all four years of high school, they are eligible to apply for a scholarship.

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